The Sir Paul Callaghan Eureka! Awards 


1. General

1.1. The Sir Paul Callaghan Eureka! Awards Competition are run annually in the period from April to September/October

1.2. The Sir Paul Callaghan Eureka! Premier Award is presented to the student who delivers the best 12-minute presentation about an application or intended application of STEM to deliver economic, social, environmental value to New Zealand.

1.3. Entrants submit a 6-minute summary presentation of the 12-minute Substantive Presentation they intend to deliver at the National Finals should they be selected to be a National Finalist 

1.4. The National final presentations may be delivered in person or using a virtual platform. All contestants will use the same platform in the year of competition. Face-to-face presentation is the preferred platform.

1.5. Following their presentation each finalist will be expected to answer questions from the judges for 3-5 minutes.

Entry Rules

2. Entry to Sir Paul Callaghan Eureka! Awards Competition

2.1. The competition is open to students from Year 12-13 in secondary schools and to undergraduate students from tertiary institutions (including those who are completing 4 year Honours degrees). Students must not be over the age of 25 on the date of entry

2.2. Students wishing to enter are required to complete the on-line entry form and undertake to meet all entry requirements as specified by the Eureka Trust. The Trust may request amendments to presentations following completion of entry  

Stage One Compliance – 

2.3. For an entry to remain valid a student shall participate in Stage One by:

2.3.1.  Uploading a recorded video Summary Presentation not exceeding 6 minutes in length to the designated website that complies with the Rules for Entry.

2.4. The video presentation will be held in a site accessible for viewing purposes only to Eureka Trust and Finals Selection Panel Members

2.4.2. Be recorded in accordance with the Video Standards for Competition set out in Appendix Two

3. Standard Assessment Criteria for the Sir Paul Callaghan Eureka! Awards competition 

3.1.     Contestants will be judged on their ability to demonstrate:

3.1.1. Knowledge of an area of science, technology, engineering or mathematics;

3.1.2. How their area of knowledge and interest can be (and is being) applied to enable tangible benefit to New Zealand’s economic, environmental and social wealth and well-being, so helping deliver on Sir Paul’s ambition for New Zealand;

3.1.3. The presence and capability to communicate clearly, succinctly and persuasively to a general audience comprising people from business and the political arenas as well as the wider public;

3.1.4. Mātauranga Māori unlocking the science and innovation potential of Māori knowledge, resources and people for the environmental, economic, social and cultural benefit of New Zealand. Mātauranga Māori and science complement one another, benefiting both Māori (as kaitiaki) and scientists (in their research);

3.1.5. Insight, thoughtfulness, clarity and agility in responding to questions on their presentation (only at the National Finals of the Sir Paul Callaghan Eureka! Awards)

4. Appointment of Judges for the Semi-Finalist Selection

4.1. The National Manager of the Trust will appoint a suitable number of judges for the Semi-finalist Selection to suit the workload and number of entries.

4.2. At least four and no more than twelve assessors will be appointed to the Finals Selection Panel for the Sir Paul Callaghan Eureka! Awards unless the Trust decides that a variation to these limits is desirable in the interests of fairness, equity and/or Panel members’ workloads

4.3. Alumni member representation will be included in the judging panel.

4.4. Judges are selected on the basis of their personal knowledge and/or expertise to provide coverage in the areas of:

4.4.1. Science, technology, engineering, mathematics

4.4.2. Teaching

4.4.3. Science and technology entrepreneurship

4.4.4. Science communication

4.4.5. Media

4.4.6. Applied science/technology

4.5. Judges will be familiar with the Eureka! Programme 

4.6. The judges will meet to discuss the assessment criteria and scoring sheets.

4.7. The Judges will go into their assessment of entries with a common base of expectation of the performance of entrants

Preliminary Ranking for Semi-Finalist Selection

5. Compilation of Preliminary Ranking List for Semi-Finalist Selection

5.1. All contestants in the Semi-finalist selection for the Sir Paul Callaghan Eureka! Awards shall be assessed and scored in compliance with the scoring guidance sheets.  

5.2. The final scores and individual Judges sheets will be securely delivered to the National Convenor of the Trust

5.3. The National Convenor of the Trust will prepare a Preliminary National Ranking List in order of scores awarded in categories for consideration by the Semi-Finalist Selection Panel

5.4. The judges will reconvene and review the ranked list to determine the sixteen semi-finalists. The judges decision will be final and shall not be subject to review.


Selecting the National Finalists  

6. Selection of 8 National Finalists for the Sir Paul Callaghan Eureka! Awards from the Semi-Finalist List

6.1. The National Finals Selection Panel (Panel) will review the video recordings of the presentations from the Semi-Finalists.

6.2. In undertaking each review the Panel will apply the national standards guidance material provided by the Trust 

6.3. Based on the ranking order of the top presentations the panel will undertake (as a further moderation and confirmation process) the following:

6.3.1. Discussion and debate re the assessment of each entries scores.

6.3.2. Comment regarding the science of any entry based on expert knowledge.

6.3.3. Discussion regarding the ethics of an entry and consideration of its impact on society.

6.3.4. The resulting top eight presentations identified by this process will be the finalists

6.3.5. The decision of the Finals Selection Panel shall be final and shall not be subject to review


Appointment of Judges for the National Finals

7. Judges of Sir Paul Callaghan Eureka! Awards National Finals Competition

7.1. The Trust will appoint National Judges who are recognised nationally for their personal knowledge and/or expertise in the areas of:

7.1.1. Science, technology, engineering, mathematics

7.1.2. Teaching

7.1.3. Science and technology entrepreneurship

7.1.4. Science communication

7.1.5. Media skills

7.1.6. Applied science/technology

7.2. One of the National Judges shall be appointed National Judging Chairperson

Judging at National Finals

8.1. Judges at the National Finals will apply the Assessment Criteria and Guidance Material set out in Section 3 above  

8.2. Each finalist will also be required to respond to questions about their presentation from a Judge so designated by the Chairperson. The responses to the questions will be considered when assessing and marking the presentations

8.3. At the conclusion of each presentation the Judges marking sheets will be collated to derive a final score for the contestant

8.4. At the conclusion of all the presentations the Judges will retire to consider the collated data and confirm a final ranking 

8.5. The Judges’ decisions will be announced at the Awards Dinner

9.6. The Judges’ decisions will be final and will not be subject to review



Appendix One


Sir Paul Callaghan Eureka! Awards – Substantive Presentation and Summary Presentation Rules


The Sir Paul Callaghan Eureka! Awards Competition envisages a robust process for selection to make the National Finals.

It is important that all contestants participate on a level playing field therefore these rules have been designed to ensure the opportunity to significantly change or amend the original material submitted for the National Finals competition is minimised.

The rules of the competition state that at the virtual region preliminary competition “entrants shall present a 6-minute summary of the 12-minute Substantive Presentation they intend to submit to the National Finals should they be selected to be a National Finalist”. This approach is designed to test the student’s knowledge of their subject and their ability to discriminate between centrally important information and information which is less important.

Therefore it is useful to divide the approach to participation into a number of steps.

  1. •       Student enters a discussion with a teacher/lecturer/academic mentor about their intention to participate in Sir Paul Callaghan Eureka Awards Competition.  

  2. •       In that discussion the student would seek feedback on their proposed idea and their proposed approach – it is envisaged the teacher/mentor would provide guidance on the standards which would need to be met to:

  3. •       The clear intention of the rules of the competition is that students should, in the first place, undertake the following work to prepare their Substantive Presentation:

o Subject choice

o Research

o Analysis

o  Identification of social, economic and environmental benefits to NZ

o Preparation of 12-minute presentation using presentation software

4.       Prepare a 6 minute Summary Presentation for:

o selection for National Finals

o award of Scholarships

•             Contestants are required to use non-cloud-based presentation software (i.e. Powerpoint) 

•       Contestants are not able to amend the subject matter or the slides and visual content of the presentation once submitted. 

•       The student’s final Substantive Presentation slides are required to be submitted on-line to the National Manager by due date before the National Finals competition


Appendix Two

Eureka! Programme Video Standards


A. Sir Paul Callaghan Eureka! Award Competitions


Videos submitted from the Sir Paul Callaghan Eureka! Award Competition for consideration by the Finals Selection Panel are required to meet the following standards


1. Content Standards

The video will 

a.       Be a single continuous take and include the beginning and end of the contestant’s presentation

b.       Be shot so that the contestant is positioned in such a way that the lighting allows the viewer to see facial expressions 

c.       Avoid positioning the contestant in front of a bright light source such as a window

d.       Include in the frame the screen or monitor onto which the contestants supporting slides are being presented

e.        Ensure the contestant is at all times positioned next to the screen so they are included in the frame

f.       Ensure that sound recording is of high quality 

g.       Not be edited in any way other than to include a caption during the first 15 seconds which sets out the contestant’s name, educational institution and subject of their presentation


2. Technical Standards

a.       Video camera or iPhone or quality android phones (acceptable if they are from the last 3 years)

b.       File type MP4, MOV

c.       HD (1920 by 1080)

d.       25 to 30fps

e.       Camera on tripod

f.        Camera no more than 1.2 - 2m from the presenter depending on quality of image

g.       Mic the presenter if possible


After completion of video recording the virtual region contestant will upload the completed video to the on-line platform designated by Eureka Trust and send an email to advising of the upload.

Videos posted to youtube cannot be accepted.


B. Future Eureka Technology Video Awards


Videos submitted to the Eureka Video Awards Competition are required to meet the following standards


1. Content Standards

The video must be accompanied by a certificate co-signed by a teacher or independent person which:

a.       acknowledges which content, if any, is subject to copyright (such as music) and that permission to use has been obtained, and

b.       asserts the video is the work of the individual or group which has submitted it without external assistance in all production aspects such as video recording, sound recording, direction, editing


2. Technical Standards

a.       File type MP4, MOV

b.       HD (1920 by 1080)

c.       25 to 30fps


After completion of video recording the contestant(s) will upload the completed video to the online platform designated by the Eureka Trust and send an email to advising of upload and attaching the certificate referred to in the Content Standards above

Videos posted to youtube cannot be accepted.


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